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Public Entity Saba participates in WWF-Earth Hour

On Saturday, March 23, at 8:30 PM, Commissioner of Energy Bruce Zagers turned off the lights of the government administration building in observance of WWF-Earth Hour. The lights were kept off for an hour as a show of solidarity with millions of other people, companies and municipalities around the world in acknowledgment of climate change and in taking collective action to tackle it. “We at the Public Entity are happy to participate in and be a part of Earth Hour. It’s a moment for reflection, action and a shared vision for a brighter future for Saba given the reality of climate change,” said Commissioner Zagers.


In preparation for the event, the civil servants who work in the government administration building turned off the lights in their respective offices at the end of the work day on Friday. They even took it a step further and powered down their work spaces for the weekend for a greater impact. This was an initiative that came from the civil servants themselves.


Saba Electric Company also participated in WWF-Earth hour by turning off the lights of its main office. They too took it a step further and turned off the street lights in the areas of the Fort Gut and Hell’s Gate Guts. SEC coordinated with the PES’s public order and safety department to ensure public safety in these areas. The public was informed of the turning off of the street lights well in advance and were reminded leading up to the event.


While the impact of Saba’s participation in Earth Hour on a global scale may be small, it’s a big show of solidarity in acknowledging climate change, in taking accountability for our role in it on an individual level and in raising awareness on the responsible use of electricity. As humans, we require electricity for many of the things we do in our daily lives. Around the world, much of the electricity produced is done so by the burning of fossil fuels, which contributes to climate change. Saba Electric Company has already made great strides in transitioning to cleaner forms of energy production for the island with its 2 solar parks. It’s also important for us as individuals to be conscientious of our use of electricity and to use it responsibly.


For those in the community who also participated in WWF-Earth Hour, the Public Entity would like to commend and thank you for joining this movement and for doing your part for the environment.

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